J’ai longtemps hésité à considérer ce sujet comme étant un éloge et j’ai finalement décidé de laisser le lecteur découvrir ce qu’elle j’en dis.

Et voilà un sujet dont je n’ai jamais parlé.
Non parce qu’il me fait peur, mais peut être que je ne me sentais pas impliqué au point d’en savoir assez pour en parler.
Et aujourd’hui, me voilà à l’utiliser à quelques reprises, me demandant si le terme devrait s’appliquer ou pas.
Au préalable, je pense qu’il serait bon d’expliquer le sens du mot et enfin arriver à ce qu’il en est pour moi.

Qu'est-ce que l'obsession?

En psychiatrie, obsession veut dire trouble mental caractérisé par une idée fixe, une crainte ou une impulsion qui s’impose à l’esprit et qui détermine une sensation d’angoisse.

Un exemple serait une vision qui nous obsède, une vision qui s’impose sans relâche à l’esprit, avoir une pensée obsédante, l’obsession, telle une névrose obsessionnelle peut mener à l’altération de la personnalité

Tout ceci semble en effet faire un peu peur et je suis sur que c’est loin d’être mon cas.
Prenons un exemple plus simple : la nuit dernière, je n’ai pu trouver le sommeil car mon esprit pensait à ma bien aimée.J’avais beau essayé, je tournais en rond dans mon lit mais le sommeil ne venait pas et cela a duré plusieurs heures. Qu’en est-il ?

D’aucun diront qu’il y a là obsession. Je suis obsédé par l’idée de l’absence de ma bien aimé au point ou je ne peux dormir.

Y a-t-il là un coté maladif ? Ou est-ce le bon coté. Pour certains l’obsession c’est que la personne aimée est constamment dans ses pensées jour et nuit au point d’en perdre le sommeil. N’est ce pas là la révélation du désir que l'un a pour l'autre.

N’est ce pas merveilleux que de trouver ce bonheur avec l’autre ?
Je crois maintenant qu’avec ces dernières paroles, nous nous rapprochons de la bonne dimension de cette chère obsession.C’est un mal qui est un bien. Un mal de par la douleur et la peine qu’il engendre mais un bien de par la satisfaction et le bonheur qu’il procure. Qui n’en veut pas d’un tel plaisir?


I hesitated for a long time to consider this subject as a praise and finally decided to let the reader discover what I say about it.
And here is a subject I have never talked about.
Not because I'm afraid of it, but maybe I didn't feel involved enough to know enough to talk about it.
And now here I am, using it a few times, wondering if the term should apply or not.
First, I think it would be good to explain the meaning of the word and finally get to what it is for me

Wheat is obsession?
 In psychiatry, obsession means a mental disorder characterized by a fixed idea, a fear or an impulse that imposes itself on the mind and determines a sensation of anxiety.

An example would be a vision that obsesses us, a vision that imposes itself relentlessly on the mind, having an obsessive thought, the obsession, such as an obsessive neurosis can lead to the alteration of the personality

All this seems indeed to be a bit scary and I am sure that it is far from being my case.
Let's take a simple example: last night, I couldn't sleep because my mind was thinking about my beloved, and no matter how hard I tried, I was tossing and turning in my bed, but sleep wouldn't come and it lasted for several hours. What about it?

Some will say that there is an obsession. I am obsessed by the idea of the absence of my beloved to the point where I cannot sleep.

 Is there a sick side to this? Or is it the right side. For some people, obsession means that the person they love is constantly in their thoughts day and night to the point of losing sleep. Is this not the revelation of the desire that one has for the other.

Isn't it wonderful to find this happiness with the other?

 I believe now that with these last words, we are approaching the right dimension of this dear obsession. It is an evil that is a good. An evil because of the pain and sorrow it causes but a good because of the satisfaction and happiness it brings. Who doesn't want such happiness?

Would obsession then be the resulting force, the consequence of love? It is almost obvious that there is love, so why question the natural? But there is a danger if this love becomes an obsession, isn't there?

How can there be danger if love means passion, tenderness and attachment? Indeed, it is a feeling of passionate affection, an affective and sexual attraction of a human being for another.

Love is nothing else than the manifestation of a body that desires, and isn't desire a movement of the consciousness towards an object of which one feels the need? It is certainly this need which prevented me from sleeping last night. What will it be tonight when we think that sexual attraction makes us burn with desire?

I spoke about the need, that sensation that leads us to certain acts, and here I am not talking about eating, drinking or sleeping, which are essential to daily existence, but rather about something that we feel is necessary. We want to have the person we love close to us, to touch her, to kiss her, to make love to her.

To make with her this marvelous act of communion of two bodies which will live in harmony, agreeing and balancing well between them. Isn't it said that man's happiness lies in voluptuousness? The happiest life will be the one with the most pleasure and the most sadness?

I said voluptuousness, that is to say the deep enjoyment which derives from sexual pleasure. Am I becoming obsessed with talking the way I do?
Or is it the deficiency from which I suffer that puts me in such a state?
Because indeed, my organism feels an absence of an element essential to my balance. We always talk about the loved one.

To finish, I will repeat:
What is obsession?
In psychiatry, obsession means mental disorder characterized by
Is obsession the resultant force, the consequence of love?
This is almost obvious, so there is love. Why question the natural?

But there is a danger if this love becomes an obsession, isn't there?
How can there be danger if love means passion, tenderness and attachment?
Indeed, it is a feeling of passionate affection, an affective and sexual attraction of a human being for another

I believe now that with these last words we are getting closer to the right dimension of this dear obsession. It is an evil that is a good. An evil because of the pain and sorrow it causes but a good because of the satisfaction and happiness it brings. Who doesn't want such a pleasure?

Lecteur, si tu as un commentaire, une idée, une suggestion, s'il te plait communique la moi à Jacques@SagesseOuEsTu.com